Abdominal Therapy and Digestion


As you can imagine Abdominal Therapy is linked to digestion and can help to reduce symptoms or resolve digestive issues you may be suffering with. In fact, my clients quite often report this is one of the areas they notice changes in. Tension in the abdomen and diaphragm contribute to how well it functions so having this massaged away can support conditions such as IBS and then you can continue the benefits at home with doing your self care massage. 

Some of the digestive complaints that my clients have had that have been helped are:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

  • Colitis

  • Diverticulitis 

  • Indigestion (acute and chronic)

  • Gas, wind and bloating

  • Diarrhoea and Constipation 

  • Headaches

  • Poor absorption of foods

  • Lower back ache

  • Chronic skin problems


To discover how Abdominal Therapy with Jo Anderson can support your digestive system, book an appointment by following the link below.